Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why The Cis Know That An Mri Of The Brain Is And...

How did the CIS ‘know’ that an MRI of the brain is/was and appropriate intervention? Clinical Information Systems (CIS) is a type of electronic computer system database that has the capability of storing clinical information for healthcare delivery (, 2016). CIS has been implemented in many clinical settings to help guide clinicians with decision making abilities to provide appropriate treatments based on the patient’s history of illness, age, and other information of care provided by the facility that has been entered in the electronic health record (EHR) (, 2016). In regards to the case study, CIS automatically prompted an MRI of the brain alert as an appropriate intervention based on Mrs. John’s history of present illness, diagnosis, age, and the assessment competed by the nurse entered into the (EHR). 2. What are the potential ramifications for Dr. Smith cancelling the alert? Negligence is a potential ramification Dr. Smith is liable for when cancelling the MRI of the brain alert. In order to claim that Dr. Smith was negligent, the patient needs to establish that duty of care was owed to the patient, the standard of care was breached, and as a result of breached standard of medical care, the patient was injured (Fearnley, Bell, Bodenham, 2012). The case study did not indicate whether a CT scan of the brain was ordered the day prior. If a CT scan of the brain was ordered, Grewal, Austin, Kapral, Hung, and Atzema (2015) stateShow MoreRelatedNU 545 Unit 2 Essay10921 Words   |  44 PagesReview the anatomy of the brain. Which portion is responsible for keeping you awake, controlling thought, speech, emotions and behavior, maintaining balance and posture? - Ch. 15 p. 454 Box 15-3 - Brainstem- midbrain, medulla oblongata, and pons Reticular Formation-Collection of nuclei within brainstem that maintains wakefulness and works in conjunction with the cerebral cortex and together they are known as the reticular activating system. P. 454 - 3 parts of the brain: forebrain, midbrainRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pages(the main conclusion) is: Is there a key force or forces in your industry? Porter argues that there is a key force in any industry, one that exerts more inï ¬â€šuence than the other forces. Now, is it an attractive industry? You need to explain, brieï ¬â€šy, why or why not. Bear in mind that it is often not a clear decision because the forces are mixed – for example, there may be little concern about new entrants, suppliers or substitutes, but buyers may be ï ¬ ckle 14_Hanson_3ed_SB_3869_TXT.indd 442 8/29/07

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